Cooper’s Hawks continue to be a regular sight in downtown Holyoke parks, neighborhoods

The annual winter influx of Cooper’s Hawks in downtown Holyoke continues to offer some interesting sightings and encounters.

The hawk above was one of two immature birds I found in Heritage State Park at dusk one day this week, just across Appleton Street from the police station. I first heard one hawk calling; and, when I went to inspect, I started hearing calls from a second hawk nearby.

Eventually the hawk pictured here chased the other from its tree, and then continued its evening rounds:

(c) Greg Saulmon 2014

(c) Greg Saulmon

(c) Greg Saulmon 2014

(c) Greg Saulmon

The hawk below, an adult, was one I found while birding Holyoke with a writer from the Valley Advocate, as he was working on this week’s cover story about my efforts here.

I spotted it as we were standing below the American Kestrel nest near Cabot and Race streets; the hawk was a little out-of-place dot in a tree near Hamilton Street.

(c) Greg Saulmon 2014

(c) Greg Saulmon 2014

When we went to inspect, we found that it was sitting in a tree growing in an alley right behind an apartment building; anyone on the fourth floor would’ve had a great view of this bird. It sat for just a few minutes, and then dove from its perch in pursuit of a nearby group of pigeons.

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