On cue, it seems, the Cooper’s Hawks have started their annual fall migration into the city. The small, agile hawks disappear from downtown in the spring, but when the leaves change the Cooper’s become a common sight through the fall and winter.
I spotted one Cooper’s Hawk chasing pigeons near the city library this morning. Then, another — or possibly the same bird — hunting in and around Heritage State Park. Above, the hawk takes flight from a factory building on Appleton Street.
Outside the library, near the corner of Maple and Cabot streets, I found this Yellow-rumped Warbler flitting about in a tree:
I’d seen a warbler here a week ago but wasn’t able to get a good enough look for an identification.
In Heritage State Park, House Finches were feeding in the berry trees outside the visitor’s center:
I also found a Golden-crowned Kinglet mingling with the finches, but the tiny bird stayed too hidden among the branches for a photo. Now that I’ve spotted it, though, I’ll be making regular checks to see how long it stays.