Fledgling Red-tailed Hawks blend into the architecture at Open Square

(c) Greg Saulmon 2013

(c) Greg Saulmon 2013

With all of this year’s brood out of the nest now, it’s getting more difficult to spot the young Red-tailed Hawks born in downtown Holyoke this spring.

At least one is following the same pattern as last year’s fledglings — staying on various high points at Open Square and waiting for food drops from the two adults. Yesterday afternoon, I found it perching on a wooden span between two wings of the big mill.

There’s a decent chance all three fledglings are up there. It’s an expansive complex with a roof that covers several acres. And, the plumage on the hawks offers very good urban camouflage, disappearing into the brick and beams in the right light.

Last year, it took me a full week to find both fledglings after that first day they left the nest, and it looks like I’m in for a similar search this year.

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