There’s a skateboard park under construction at one end of Pulaski Park in an area where I’ve seen Common Yellowthroats, Baltimore Orioles, and Savannah Sparrows. I was curious to see what sort of impact all the activity might be having on the birding potential of that corner of the park — and, based on a recent short visit, it looks like the birds down’t mind at all.
There were a number of Northern Flickers foraging on the ground; I saw up to about six together at a time. In the trees, there are still American Redstarts and Yellow Warblers spending the summer in Holyoke. A pair of Downy Woodpeckers were out and about, too.
Below, more Flickers, Yellow Warblers and one of Downy Woodpeckers; and, a juvenile Northern Mockingbird I found in Heritage State Park:
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