I ran across this article — from the March 17, 1958 edition of the Springfield Morning Union — by pure luck while working on a project at work this week.
Cedar Waxwings descend on Heritage State Park
After hearing a report of Cedar Waxwings in Heritage State Park from friend and photographer Stephanie Pierce, I took a walk this morning and found a flock of about 80 feasting on berries. These are the first waxwings I’ve seen in the park since early January.
I’ll post a gallery of images in the next day or so.

Cooper’s Hawks continue to be a regular sight in downtown Holyoke parks, neighborhoods
The annual winter influx of Cooper’s Hawks in downtown Holyoke continues to offer some interesting sightings and encounters.

Peregrine Falcon over Appleton Street
There are some days when you feel like there are just no birds in the city at all, and that everything you’ve observed before has been an extended fluke.
Greg Saulmon
Thursday’s storm forced us to postpone the scheduled evening reception for my photo exhibit at the Taber Gallery.
The new date is Wednesday, Feb. 19, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Hope to see you there!

American Robin, Heritage State Park
A quiet, snowy afternoon in the park: no House Finches, no Red-tailed or Cooper’s Hawks. Just three American Robins, feasting on berries.
Photo installation, talk, reception at Holyoke Community College’s Taber Gallery
I currently have 41 prints of Holyoke birds installed at the Taber Art Gallery at Holyoke Community College; they’re on view through Feb. 27. Two dates this week to note: 1. Wednesday, Feb. 12, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.: The gallery is holding a daytime reception. I’ll deliver a slideshow talk at noon. 2. Thursday, Feb. 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m.: Evening reception. Light…
Cooper’s Hawk, Heritage State Park
I found this hawk in Heritage State Park this afternoon, right outside the Merry-Go-Round.